It’s time for the Third Thursday Reurpose post. Each month I will be bringing you a great idea for repurposing items that would have been headed to the trash or recycling bin. There are so many items in our homes that we can reuse and repurpose (instead of sending to the land fill) As my Father-in-law says “if you use something twice, it costs half as much”>>>tweet this!
“Hello, my name is Mary and I am a Bag Lady!”
Yes, I am a sucker for a bag- especially if it’s Free! Between free bag offers from Kellogg’s, Kroger, DSW and any business sponsored family event- my cup runith over in bags! I do pride myself in always using my reusable bags at the grocery (it’s about one of the only green things I do consistently). However, we recently were “reorganizing” yet another room in the house, and I realize the bags are a bit out of control!
What about when I just have to take advantage of the next offer (like the DSW one next week because it is fab!). So what do I do with my stockpile of bags? … Give them away! With Christmas so close, I have decided that some of my family members will be getting their presents in reusable shopping bags (the new bags of course!). I save money by not buying wrapping paper and they get a bag that they can reuse. I also use these bags when I take a meal to a new mom- and tell her to keep the bag too. And next time Kidney Services pick up from our house- they get a bag too!
Like the idea in this post? Be sure to “Pin” it! Do you have an awesome repurposing or up-cycling idea? I would love to hear about it! Send me a picture and description to amissiontosave @hotmail .com and maybe your idea will be next month’s post (I’ll give you all the cred, promise)!
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