Check out the best tips on how to freeze bananas. This frugal living hack helps you cut down on food waste and takes advantage of marked-down produce for grocery savings too.

Frugal Living Hack: Tips for How To Freeze Bananas
I have mentioned before that we have a “monkey” who lives at our house. Honestly, the kiddo would eat a banana (or two) every day if he could. But sometimes (on rare occasions) our bananas start to brown before he can get them all eaten. Even though I tell them the brown spots actually make it sweeter- there is some kind of mental block that makes them not want to eat them (KWIM). Usually, I would just make Banana Muffins (recipe for muffins or banana bread here). But the other day I decided to try something new. Yes you can freeze bananas! And actually, it’s a great Frugal Living hack to save money too!
Several Ways to Freeze Bananas
These tricks would be awesome if you can get your hands on those manager special markdown ‘naners too! I tried several ways of freezing the bananas. Here are some details:

First I decided to cut the bananas in slices to freeze (we call these banana “cookies” in our house.) I figured this way would make it easier to throw into a smoothie or to thaw for making bread/muffins. Kids liked them on their cereal too. I also tried dipping some in chocolate. Hey why not! And the kids loved them for a treat! I “flash froze” them on a cookie sheet for a few hours and then transferred them into ziploc bags and put them back in the freezer.

Are you willing to try and freeze bananas?! What other items do you freeze to help you save? (the item and $)! Be sure to read more of my Tips for Freezing Produce here, it really is a frugal living must!
I’ve had to learn to freeze bananas by necessity because there are only two of us, but they always get used up in smoothies and banana bread/muffin recipes (going to try yours soon!). But one other really neat thing you can do with frozen bananas is make “ice cream” out of them. Just wazz them up in a food pro and you have a treat amazingly similar to the real thing. Good with or without additions (chocolate, nuts, other fruit, etc.) Give it a try!
I can often get bananas even organic ones for $.29/lb at our local discount grocery store. I used to freeze them in the peel but I always had such a hard time getting them out. Like you shared. I usually chunk them up and then freeze them. My kids would love the chocolate dipped one.
This time of year I can usually get strawberries on the cheap and I will freeze them for smoothies. I also freeze grapes for a yummy summertime snack and any leftover canned fruit for smoothies.
Just love to freeze those markdowns! And I never thought about freezing grapes. That would definitely make a fun summer treat. Thanks for stopping by Shelly!