Mission to Save and KidsLinked.com would like to offer you a special one day sale (Today only!) for the upcoming Kidsroll Powell race, this Saturday, August 10th at the Powell YMCA. Below is a code to save $10!! The race is for everyone – there is a youth Splash N Dash, youth triathlon, adult triathlon, new relay for the triathlon, 1 mile “Get the Loot” run, and 5k run!!
Here is what you need to know:
· With this code triathlons are only $25 and the 1 mile or 5k is only $15!!
· Every person that enters the race receives a free backpack, finisher’s medal, pancake breakfast, coupon for a free Happy Meal, access to the fun zone and so much more!
· To register go HERE!
· Use code: THURSDAY
There is so much entertainment, so many attractions – this is their biggest race ever!! You’ve got to experience the fun. Also, you are welcome to share this code with family and friends so bring the whole gang! Don’t delay, this code expires at midnight on 8/8/13!
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