Can you believe that 2018 is just days away. It’s this time of year that many people are thinking about “resolutions”. So some of my local Columbus blogging tribe decides to join together again to share some posts for Inspiration. We hope that with in these blog post you will find tips for reaching your personal goals this year.
Tips for Reaching Personal Goals This Year – From Local Bloggers
Did Christmas break the bank this year? Are you looking forward to a fun vacation? Or maybe you are just looking for a way to teach your kids the value of a dime… or actually a penny. The first of the year is a perfect time to set new financial goals. So check out my 365 Day Penny Challenge. It’s a simple way to show your family the power of a penny saved (up to $600+ by the end of the year). Plus it includes a free printable.
Now see what the other bloggers have for you:
- 614mom– Eryn shares a fantastic post about Vision Boards and how you can use them to help see and reach your goals.
- Find Where You Fit– when a fitness blog starts a post with a picture of ice cream, I’m totally interested! Lindsay’s post Balance- It’s Time to Re-Think Health is spot on and a must read for those thinking about health related new year’s goals.
- Just Keep It Simple Fitness– and speaking of health and fitness, Kathleen shares a post that I am sure will help many resolutions stay on track. See her steps on How to Build Your Own Workout Plan in 6 Easy Steps.
- Zen Life and Travel– and if you are traveling this year and want to keep those health and fitness goals going, Katie has some great suggestions on How to Stay Healthy While Traveling.
- Wear Love Wanders- weight loss can be quite a difficult journey for may of us. I love the honesty and encouragement in Kim’s post, 10 Things I’ve Learned about about myself from my struggle with weight loss.
- Breath It All In– I know many people use essential oils as part of their daily routines and to keep healthy. If you have been watning to learn more about oils, check out Liz’s Essential Oils 101 post.
- Lakes and Lattes– the new year is time to look back as well as look forward. Malini reflects on What Death Teaches About Life and how simpler actions can help you lead a fuller life.
- My Life in the Blink– and finally, wherever you are, be fully there. Shannon reminds us how to embrace life right where you are this coming year.
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