WOW! Run over to your Meijer mPerks accounts right now and see if you have any of these super high value coupons for Fisher Price Toys in your account:
- $45.00 off Fisher Price Cruise & Groove Ballapalooza
- $25.00 off Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Dance & Play Puppy
- $25.00 off Fisher Price Stand-Up Ballcano
- $40.00 Off Fisher Price Loving Family Dream Dollhouse (this one I found on the mobile page but not on my desktop)
These are all “while supplies last” so you won’t be able to get a rain check on them. I figure they are clearing out for newer models. I don’t have any kiddos this age to buy for, BUT Christmas is coming and so are toy drives!

Here are the prices I found online. Unfortunately you cannot apply the mPerks to the order or have it sent to the store and then apply the mPerks. BUT, if you can find the items in your store, they should match the online price to use your mPerks!
Fisher-Price Laugh N Learn Dance and Play Puppy- $28.00
$25.00 off Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Dance & Play Puppy
Final price= $3 after mPerks
Fisher-Price Stand Up Ballcano- $27.99
$25.00 off Fisher Price Stand-Up Ballcano
Final price= $2.99 after mPerks
Fisher Price Cruise & Groove Ballapalooza-$59.99
$45.00 off Fisher Price Cruise & Groove Ballapalooza
Final price= $14.99 after mPerks
Fisher Price Loving Family Dream Dollhouse- $89.99
$40.00 Off Fisher Price Loving Family Dream Dollhouse
Final price= $49.99 after mPerks
Does anyone have a extra code for the ballapalozza? I have tried so hard to find one and can’t 🙁 my daughter would love this!! Please and thank you.
Sorry Ashley. The digital coupons were all specific to each mperks account. And I just checked, they have disappeared from my account, so they must have expired. Sorry. I know there have been some printable Fisher Price coupons out recently, keep an eye out here on Mission to Save for those (they go fast too!)
My guess is the price will be the same in store as online. But if not, you will have ot be able to pull it up on a smartphone. I have never done this at Meijer (but it should work). Most people are not finding the items in their store anyway, so call first!
What do I need to do to get online price matching when I’m at the store?