Yeah, it’s Back! If you love The Body Shop products, hurry on over to Groupon where right now you can pay $10 for a $20 The Body Shop Groupon voucher! This is like a 50% savings and I am sure you could find some discounted items in store too. Think Teacher of Christmas gifts too! Looks like this one will be sold thru 8/13- or while supplies last.
the fine print
- Expires Sep 28th, 2014.
- Limit 3 per person. May buy 0 additional as gifts. Limit 1 per visit. Valid in-store only. Not valid online. Expires Sep 28th, 2014. Limit 3 per person. May buy 0 additional as gifts. Limit 1 per visit. Valid in-store only. Must use promotional value in 1 visit. Limit 1 per transaction. Valid only at The Body Shop US stores. May use with “Love Your Body” club discount. Not valid toward purchase of gift cards. Not valid with other promotional coupon codes. Not valid at Ulta Beauty or Army and Airforce Exchange Services (AAFES). Minimum purchase of $20 before taxes and after all discounts. Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services
Thanks Saving with Shellie
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