Aldi is a really great place to bring down your grocery budget- without even having to use a coupon. AND on items like produce! Check out a comparison of some of these fruit prices this week (6/2-6/8/13)
ALDI Cherries, $1.99 lb — Meijer, $2.99 lb or Kroger, $2.88 lb
ALDI Watermelon, $3.99 — Meijer, $4.99
ALDI Red Grapes, $0.99 — Kroger, $1.88 lb
ALDI Peaches $0.29 ea — Meijer, $1.29 lb
Here are a couple other items to check out too:
Digital Fork and Probe Thermometer Set – $5.99
Bell Bike Helmets (Toddler- Adult)- $12.99
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