Yesterday, I mentioned the Free TaxAct e-File offer. That is great for simple Federal filling. But if you are looking for a more complete tax software program check out TurboTax. Right now on Amazon you can snag TurboTax Deluxe for $39.83 shipped (includes Federal + Sate+ eFile, list price $59.99). Plus when you buy TurboTax you can get Special Savings on Quicken 2013:
When you purchase the 2012 versions of TurboTax Basic, Deluxe, Premier, or Home & Business, you qualify for special savings on Quicken 2013.
Use promo code BTTG3OSE to save $30 on Quicken Starter Edition 2013, or use promo code BTTG35QK to save $35 on Quicken Deluxe 2013, Premier 2013, Home & Business 2013, or Essentials for Mac.
UPDATE: The Quicken Essentials for Mac is priced at just $30.01. So it should be FREE after the promo code BTTG35QK! (It is shown as part of the promotion on the Special Offer page as seen below). However, I couldn’t get the code to work on these two. The issue is that Essentails for Mac is being sold by a Third Party not Amazon. So after several CS calls…. It just won’t work on that title. You can try it but… I’ll let you know if it does in the furture. Sorry! I voiced my frustration, you can too! 😉
Shop Amazon Software – Tax Central – One-stop-shop for All Things Tax
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