Today’s daily deal on Modern Penny– Do it Yourself! Resin Flower Accessory Kits for 65% off
$3.49 + $2.99 Shipping = $6.48 shipped! Shop here!
These DIY Accessory kits come with all kinds of fashion goodies from earring and hairpin blanks to resin flowers in various shapes and colors. You are guaranteed twelve sets of accessories plus extras. Just add the glue. If you were to purchase those quantities in already made up accessories, you would be looking at spending a whole lot more than $7!. Save a little and have a little fun making your own creations! Don’t miss out on this deal
You can also shop some of the past deals. Go to the “Past Deals” tab to see what you can find! (Also, shipping is usually a flat rate. So adding a few extra items shouldn’t change the shipping!)
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