Last week I had either the brilliant or crazy idea to plan 2 Holiday parties just days apart. Brilliant, because I would only have to clean once! And Crazy because how would I get it all done! First was a cookie swap with sweet gals from my church, then I was the hostess with the mostess for 25 of hubs co-workers.
I knew that I would need to be efficient with my preparations in order to pull these both off. There was no way I would be able to make my swap cookies and a spread of food for both parties. I knew my best bet would be to take a trip to Sam’s Club to buy menu items to work at both parties.
One way I always save on these parties is to make my own meat & cheese, veggies, hummus trays- no need to spend the extra money on buying the pre-made ones. I also wanted to grab some classic appetizers like mini quiche and sweet and tangy meatballs. All of these items, plus nice plates and napkins were easy to grab at Sam’s Club. I also found some cute Ziploc bags for the cookie exchange.
And speaking of easy, once I got to the register CurrentC made the checkout process a breeze too. As I have mentioned before, CurrentC is a new mobile wallet option. Columbus, Ohio is lucky to be one of the first areas to test this great payment app at locations like Walmart, Wendy’s and Sam’s Club. At the register, just choose the CurrentC option. Open the app and choose “Checkout”, then “Shop”, then grant camera access. This will allow you to be able to scan the code that appears on the checkout screen. Tada- you are paid and headed out the door to prep for the party!
Both parties were a success. Fun, food and friends- what is better this time of year? (You can add in frugality- with your time and money thanks to CurrentC too!)
Have you seen the CurrentC signs around town? Have you tried it yet? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
This post has been sponsored by CurrentC. All opinions are my own. And you know I love to share ways to save time and money!